According to the theory of Communication and process of communication which led to the development of Communication Skills being eulogized by more than half of the world, an idea remains an idea until it is articulated; anything articulated unilaterally holds no worth and carries no weight unless it is addressed to some audience, the receiver. On transmitting an idea, the original owner of idea that is sender ceases to be its owner or say exclusive owner, the idea is now shared between two person a sender and receiver. A receiver on being communicated, shares the idea and accepting or rejecting both, he after transforming or say changing it sends his feedback. On being shared, the idea no longer remains restricted to the original author. The life of an idea, how successful it is, entirely depends upon its sharing. Any idea is but a bubble on the surface of water if it is hot heard, listened or seconded.
A story writer writes a story, a novelist writes a novel and so does a dramatist who transforms his story into a play. A play is nothing but a story enacted outside for an audience. When it goes round and makes several bouts of sharing, the original gets a bit modified, transformed and is different from original. So any person who claims to be the author or owner of idea, ceases to be its sole owner, however, credit can be given to the person whose mind became the nursery of original idea and it just carries the name.
A story writer writes a story but when it goes to the reader it does not evoke the same pleasure, feelings and fancy as it did with the writer. The reader likes to read because he allowed his own imagination to come into play and create a scene for him in his mind which he likes or detests. If he does not lie, he would reject it. One story can evoke different types of imaginative scenario and perspectives in the minds of different readers. He likes to read not because the author has transformed his idea into words but he likes to read because the words he has been familiar previously has given a different kind of kick. The kick, the liking, the tastes and perspective belongs to the reader.
In the process of reading the reader contributes more than the author. So he would like to narrate it to his friends and people around him in his own words, in his own style. Now, only the skeleton is original the rest is the story, stuffed, clothed, painted by the reader who becomes the sole master of the story. So the process goes on and any idea that starts from one person’s domain becomes a member of public domain and losing its copyright.
The second argument is equally strong and convincing. A language is an issue that belongs to a community. It has been consigned respectfully and duly to the public domain and no one seems to have any right over its concept, conventions and legends. A language is a product of a society which itself is a result of economic activities prevailing within a demographic domain that belongs to a geographic identity. Punjab for instance is because a chunk its population is involved with what is called agriculture. They sow seeds and reap crops, which means in period of six months or so one seed planted grows 12 times. Then comes a large number of people involved with secondary activities, agriculture being the primary activity. Then comes the tertiary activity which provides employment to a larger chuck of population. Language being instrumental in carrying out all communications in the processes of agriculture and its related activities is born out thereof remains the product of socio activities within the community.
Language is instrumental in creating an environment wherein exchange of ideas, sharing of information all levels is possible. Being an absolute product of human relations and affinities between the process of production, means of production, economic viability and human beings all the concepts within the perspective of language are a natural product of the whole process so process of production and process of communication go simultaneously that help generate new ideas, thoughts and concepts. The whole process is a mechanical and is governed by the natural law cause and effect. The cause whatever occurs outside a human being and it creates ripples within human minds.
Every reaction of human mind is a natural reaction to stimulus available outside. Since it works like a machine and may be taken as a simplified process of human evolution at micro level, the thoughts and ideas are the mutants that occur to modify the natural process and take it to the next level. No single person can influence it, affect it or change its course, the least to say, can prevent it from happening. Since the process is natural and all people living in that social milieu equally take part in it and make it happen, they own in proprietorship the owner right. In the process, man is an economic being and whatever occurs to him in the form of idea, thought or creativity, in fact, is a socio-economic outcome. Nobody can deny it. No person living in the society brought his thinking or ideas some alien world. His language, his characters, his words, everything belongs to the society of which he proclaims himself an active member.